Painted kitchen cabinet doors

What’s the Best Way to Prep Peeling Kitchen Cabinets?

Answers to pro painters’ most pressing questions by Rick Watson

I need to repaint kitchen cabinets that were painted with lacquer about a year ago. The paint is popping off some of them in places and turning yellow. I wanted to use a brush-on lacquer since I need to paint them hanging up. Can you give me a few tips on prepping?

If you have issues now with yellowing and peeling, brushing another coat over the top of this will potentially compound the problem.

If not addressed, the adhesion and yellowing issues will still exist underneath a fresh coat. Your new coating is only as good as what’s underneath it.

So, with that in mind, the best suggestion I can make would be to remove the existing finish and start over.

This article was originally published in the Summer 2016 issue of PPC magazine. Rick Watson, director of Product Information and Technical Services at Sherwin-Williams, answers questions from pro painters in the Ask Your ProPartner™ column in PPC magazine.

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